How to Bathe Your Dog's Paws

How to Bathe Your Dog's Paws

Dog paws collect all of the toxins from the grass or sidewalks such as:  pesticides, herbicides, ragweed, grasses, pollens, molds, dust mites and other pollutants. Dogs don't wear  shoes and socks or shower every day. Their paws collect a lot of toxins, allergens and chemicals in the environment, and it builds up quickly.

According to vets, over 50% of foot licking and chewing can be alleviated by mechanically removing allergens and other irritants collected on a dog's paws. 

 Facts about Rinsing Your Dog's Paws:

  • Dunking or soaking your dog's paws is much more effective than wiping them with a wash cloth or disposable wipe.

  • You don't need to do the soak in a big tub -you can use a bucket and soak one foot at a time. If you have a little dog, you can use your kitchen or bathroom sink.

  • You can rinse all four paws at once or one paw at a time.

  • What's important is to soak those paws at the end of any day when your pet has been in contact with allergens, lawn chemicals, or anything in the environment with the potential to irritate her feet. Cleaning the paws at the end of the day will reduce the chemical burden on your dog, as well as the potential for irritation.

  • Dogs sweat from are their noses and the pads of their feet. So those damp little pads can collect a really heavy load of irritants.

How to Clean Your Dog's Paws:

  • Pour in enough water to cover the pads of your dog's feet.

  • Add fizz tablets or balls as per the instructions on the bottle. We recommend Warren London fizz tablets because they are natural ingredients and also moisturize your dogs' paws.  Plus, they smell good.

  • Let your dog stand in the solution for from two to five minutes.

  • You don't have to do anything to the feet or toes -- the solution will do the work for you. Keep him distracted and happy with treats and doggie talk.

  • Pat your dog's paws dry and you are done.  If you follow this routine, it should greatly reduce chewing and biting behavior.

Dog Paw Bathing Tips: 

If your dog is nervous,  just plop each little foot in the mini-soak one at a time, making sure each entire pad surface is covered with the mixture, and it shouldn't be nearly as scary for your dog as being put in the bathtub.  You can also keep a garden hose handy and fill up a bucket, a small plastic tub or even a coffee can and do a paw rinse.

Remember, the key is to get the feet submerged in the solution, which will wash away any type of yeast that might be growing, as well as mild bacterial infections, allergens, and other contaminants.


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