Tips for Selecting a Post Surgery Dog Garment

Tips for Selecting a Post Surgery Dog Garment

 We offer several products to help you care for your dog after surgery. The Comfy Cone is a great product that offers all of the features of a Elizabethan collar with the added value of being soft.

Tulane's Closet was started by a vet technician who developed a onesie for dogs for post surgery use. 

The Cover me is a post-surgical pet garment designed to help prevent your pet from licking or chewing after surgery where pets could lick or disturb the area. It's also helpful for treatment of hotspots or allergies. 

The Cover me comes in 2 Styles. The Pullover and the Step-Into both have built in potty covers, which makes it easy to go potty without taking off the onesie. It's available in seven different sizes in either short or long sleeves. They fit every breed from Chihuahua to Great Dane. Choose a long sleeve or short sleeve post surgical pet garment based on where the injury is located.  For ortho and leg recovery, choose long sleeve.


Here's how you put on the step-in garment:   

Here's how it works to take a potty break:


1 comment

  • laura guarascio

    we received the post surgery dog onsie. Thank you so much for getting it to us so quickly. My dog is so much more comfortable. She cried most of the night and would not eat or drink. Now she’s at least sleeping. Thank you!

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